Monday, November 14, 2011

November 11th Results

I wish I could say that I knew what happened on court 2 & 3 this week, but the balls on court 1 were whizzing by me so fast, that I barely had time to breath, let alone look at other courts.  But I did get a chance to talk to all our wonderful winners at lunch, and this is what I heard:

Court 3 had Heather and Concepcion together again and they battled from a 5-0 deficit in the first set, to win the match in a third set Super Stupid Tie breaker. These girls are so steady and calculated.  When most people would admit defeat being down 5-0, these ladies held it together, knew they were better and kept pushing until they conquered their opponents.  Way to go Ladies!

Court 2 had the super successful team of Nayla and Diana, once again trouncing their opponents easily.  I heard the ladies say that their match was easy, but that is an understatement because they were playing a court 1 player.  I think it's easy for them because they have a winning formula of a soft and hard game, they figure out their opponents weaknesses and they capitalize on every opportunity.  Its easy because these two are so good together.  (I remember those days!)  Keep up the great tennis girls!

Court 1 had myself and Allana in one of our least shining moments.  We were up against what felt like a pro.  She was forehanding that ball so hard and fast and accurate, that we were lucky to get a racket on it, let alone do anything with it.  Her partner would stand there and either put the ball back into play, or place it just out of reach.  We figured out to keep it away from her forehand, but her backhand would fire the ball directly at the net person, at 100 miles/hour.  We were just trying to save ourselves by getting our racket on it.  We did figure out not to serve and volley her, because she was using us as targets.  The minute we opened the court up, she would hit it out quite often.  We held in as much as we could, but they won in two sets.

The great news is that we won 2 courts again!  If we keep this up, we will be in the top ten for sure.  Big difference from last year.  We have a great team, great ladies with great spirit and of course, the best fans ever.

We're movin' on up!!

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