
Another aspect of my Housewife life is fundraising.

Sometimes I participate because I believe in the cause. Sometimes I participate because the people involved are good friends whom I choose to support.  Sometimes I participate because there is an open bar!  Whatever the reasons, fundraising is a wonderful way to show your support.

This Saturday I participated in the Concordia Stingers fundraising event at the Loyola campus.

I became involved with this event last year when I was introduced to one of the organizers by my girlfriend and fellow supporter. At that time, my girlfriend and I purchased a chance to be the assistant coaches for one of the Stingers' games. We had high hopes for our coaching debut and after watching "the boys of fall" video by Kenny Chesney, we created our playbook ( including the reverse flee flicker), dusted off our challenge flag and hit the field with the team. The only thing standing between us and a day filled with ass slapping and high fiving, was the number one team in the league, Laval. Well the day didn't go quite as planned and our boys ended up being trounced. How were we supposed to get in any tushy touching when the team was crying? How were we going to experience the Gatorade bath when the boys were drowning in their sorrow? Who was going to pick us up on their shoulders and carry us onto the field as the crowd cheered.... Ah, but I digress!

So you can imagine my surprise when I got invited back for a second kick at the can! (My brother actually got the invite but I'm sure my invitation was lost in the mail). The evening was a great success, the silent auction had some great items but the most coveted prize, the coaching gig, was not on the auction block this year ( I wonder why). After I tracked down the coach,(sort of cornered him actually)I told him how disappointed I was that I couldn't buy another spot on the coaching team and he assured me that any game I wanted to coach at, I would be welcome. I let go of his leg and thanked him for his offer.

My brother and I had a great evening! We ate, we drank, we hung out with some of the All Canadians of previous years and generally had a fabulous football fundraiser.

The following pics are examples of how I put the FUN in FUNdraising!

The coach & her Team
Taking 5...or 4 in this case

Me & my Bro

The Heisman

"Go Long!"  (check out the guy in the back)

Schmoozing with former All Canadian Bryan Vajda