Monday, October 8, 2012

Sore loser?...I think not!!

Do you believe that "nice" can be used as a weapon?  To lull you into a supposed kinship, or to pour salt on a wound, for example.

I think that there are some women, who consciously use "nice" to piss you off.  Let's take a tennis match.  You arrive at your opponents club, ready to take on the enemy.  Only, the "enemy" comes over to welcome you, which is nice (no quotation marks) and then proceeds to point out what court you'll be warming up on, where you can fill your water bottles, where to find the bathroom and her availability if we should have any more questions.  All with a huge megawatt smile on her face.

Then the match starts.  This same "nice" person turns into a killer on the court.  All business!  No more Mrs. nice guy.  But that's ok because we came for a competition and it's easier to take down the enemy rather than a "friend".  So, in one way,  women use "nice" to lull you into a kind of friendship before and even during a match.  All chit chatty and giggly....until they turn on you and decide that a ball in the face would be more fun than a tete a tete.  No matter!  This is the competition that keeps us coming back for more, right?!

Unfortunately, you can only react to so many balls being shot at your head, and you lose the match.  Damn.  We hate losing!  Everyone hates losing!  Especially a tight match.  You just want to shake hands and get the hell out of dodge, so you can drown your sorrows over a great bottle of wine with your teammates.  But wait, here she comes with the megawatt smile again.  "What a great match!  You played so well.  That was a lot of fun.  Do you want to continue and hit some balls?" WHAT!!!  Doesn't it piss you off when you lose a match and the opponent comes over to say all this crap that you really don't want to hear right now?  It wouldn't be so bad if all the calls were good, there were no arguments during the match and you weren't her favorite smash target.  But when it doesn't go as well as it should (it never does in the S.H.I.T league) the last thing you want to do is have to exchange pleasantries with the winners.  THIS ISN'T SUMMER TENNIS PEOPLE!!!

Oh no, here she comes again, as we are leaving the club "Thanks again for coming to our club (as if we had a choice) we wish you all a great weekend!" Easy for you to're the winner.

Just wait until you get to our home turf.  We'll be so sweet you'll be begging for milk!

Nice, indeed!!!

(FYI you can purchase this print at  It's called the losers revenge.)

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